It's becoming evident that I have a thing for beards! When you look around my house you'll see them everywhere: in the living room, in the kitchen and upstairs in my atelier. Maybe I am just preparing myself for how my 7 year old will look when he's grown up, cause his big wish is to one day have a beautiful moustache and beard.
Whenever we are in a shopping centre together and he spots a (any!) man with a beard he calls out: Mum, look, doesn't that man look awesome?!! I try not to be too embarrassed and just give the guy a nonchalant wave and smile..
In the kitchen: Blossom & Bill tea towel from ISAK |
In the living room: 'A look only you would understand' from Ashley G |
I love that print!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI've just been pouring through her Etsy page!!
Have you heard of the Australian band "The Beards"? Jx
Nu M nog.....
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHij is leuk! Uit ervaring weet ik dat baardmannen vaak ook hele lieve mannen zijn. En leuker om te zien dan baardvrouwen iig ;-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDie theedoek hangt daar perfect! En de rest van de baardmannen zijn ook al zo fijn. En toch vind ik mijn man het fijnst als hij glad geschoren is. ;)