I’m not someone who can go to the beach and lay in the sun all day doing nothing, returning home tanned like a pancake, with no sand in bikini, hair or between my toes. When I’m at the beach I feel I have some work to do! I can’t leave the sand untouched. I have to dig, build, create.

We found beautiful circles in the sand, made by someone the day before. They looked like the circles Aboriginals use on their paintings to express their Dreamtime stories. We used these to to kick off our irrigation system. We started digging trenches and building dikes. First we had just a tickle of water moving through but after a while the brook became a swirling river which ate away the banks.

About 10 metres away from us there was a big hairy man with survival hat in beige digging the sand with his grandson. Soon we were a team, digging our way toward each other. Some other people participated. It really felt we were doing something important! The rest of the people on the beach seemed to feel it too cause everybody politely tipped toed between our dikes and rivers. We were caught up in our world, going with the flow. We were woken up in the middle of our dream when we, after digging at least 30 square metres of irrigation system, found out that hundreds of people with big tattoos invaded our beach.
We dived into the sea and escaped.

1 opmerking:

  1. Wat een verbroedering! Of toch niet... In ieder geval een mooi dagje strand :) Ik kan het ook niet hoor, uren liggen zonnen hihi.
