It's becoming evident that I have a thing for beards!  When you look around my house you'll see them everywhere: in the living room, in the kitchen and upstairs in my atelier. Maybe I am just preparing myself for how my 7 year old will look when he's grown up, cause his big wish is to one day have a beautiful moustache and beard.

Whenever we are in a shopping centre together and he spots a (any!) man with a beard he calls out: Mum, look, doesn't that man look awesome?!! I try not to be too embarrassed and just give the guy a nonchalant wave and smile..

In the kitchen: Blossom & Bill tea towel from ISAK

In my atelier: bearded men magnets by Jordan Grace Owens

In the living room: 'A look only you would understand' from Ashley G

4 opmerkingen:

  1. I love that print!!!
    I've just been pouring through her Etsy page!!
    Have you heard of the Australian band "The Beards"? Jx

  2. Hij is leuk! Uit ervaring weet ik dat baardmannen vaak ook hele lieve mannen zijn. En leuker om te zien dan baardvrouwen iig ;-)

  3. Die theedoek hangt daar perfect! En de rest van de baardmannen zijn ook al zo fijn. En toch vind ik mijn man het fijnst als hij glad geschoren is. ;)
